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The Delhi Beating the Retreat Ceremony brings a close to the Republic Day celebrations. This ceremony is conducted after 3 days of the beginning of the Republic day celebrations, on 26th January. The Beating the Retreat Ceremony of Delhi takes place on the 29th of January. The silhouetted riders move away from the background which sets the conclusion of the Republic Day celebrations. On the day of the Beating the Retreat Ceremony in Delhi, at 6 o’clock in the evening the bugles call the retreat sound and the National flag is lowered and the National anthem is sung in musical harmony. During the Delhi Beating the Retreat Ceremony, after the live performances, a hymn is played by the bands collectively called ‘Abide with me’. The ceremony starts with definite units of the armed forces performing lively executions. The Beating the Retreat Ceremony in Delhi officially marks the finale of the Republic day celebrations. This call was the sound of the bugles vibrated across the battlefield calling a halt to the fighting. The Festival of Beating the Retreat Ceremony in Delhi is observed keeping in mind the age old tradition, according to which, soldiers called a close down to the war at sunset. The location of the Beating the Retreat Ceremony in Delhi is at Vijay Chowk or the victory square, with the stately Rashtrapati Bhawan at the background. The parade comes to a close with the ‘Beating the Retreat Ceremony’, which happens on the 29th of January.

The Republic Day celebrations in Delhi initiate with a multihued parade on the 26th of January along the Rajpath. The Beating the Retreat Ceremony is held in the capital city of Delhi in India. Indian martial bands play 'Sare Jahan Se acha Hindustan Hamara' : Beating Retreat Ceremony, Delhi