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Deploys and installs Heimdall for your OS.Is the first one-click anything for our devices on Linux.Will work on all Samsung devices which use Odin.Just turn your Captivate into the Download Mode and flash back to STOCK Eclair or Froyo using Odin 1 Click or whatever similar. If it's still able to go back into Download Mode, you don't need this software. Note: Stuck in a boot loop? Is it still able to boot into CWM(Recovery Mode) or Download Mode. Now, this tool can fix bricked problems on Samsung android devices, such as, getting problem on booting the phone into download mode and or recovery mode, the idea of this tool will force the device into download mode (like a download mode jig) which you can get access to restore or flash back your Samsung phone's Android firmware. This tool was created and develop by AdamOutler over XDA, above all it's free and very easy to use.